Montag, 26. September 2011

Week for Week

Hi There Friends

Today I was so Tired, damn this weekend was a blast first on Friday night we had a great party in Luzern it was the 18th Birthday party from Carooo (EAZY C) Thank you for this partyyy!!!
Saturday was a awesome day on the and it was a pleasure to watch the Show! And to hang out with my best friends and the Grenade Boys!!!

Saturday night we did Party hard so it was my second party night in one weekend I had just 4 hours sleep the whole weekend (DAAMNNN)

Sunday was also a damn good day to watch a great show on the me and my friends hanged out in the Grenade Bar and relxad a bit and watched the show!!!

All in all The weekend was a Blast!!!

Pictures following soon as possible!!!

Montag, 19. September 2011

Just One day Back Home

Hi Friends

Today I am going back to Zermatt! I know, I was almost the half summer in Zermatt.
But the training conditions are so great that I have to go back and practice more for the new Season.
I know it sounds crazy but it is really important that I am so much on the Board like never before, because this season it has to make the "klick" in me.

I am happy to have this awesome support of so many people. Without this people it could not happen.



Swiss Champs are over

A big hello to all my friends

Last weekend I was competing at Swiss Champ! It was a very bad (sad) weekend for me.
I was really ready for it, had great practice before, and the whole environment was just righ at all!
But on the contest...., I guess I forgot my head back home. Nothing was working, all I tried worked
wrong. :-(
I think I've built up too much pressure and so I was extremely tense. I need to learn to be mentally much stronger in competitions, not so uptight and nervous. I have to do more mental workings.
My goal was to "Rock" this Swiss Champs but the problem between my ears prevented my good preparation.

I had too much thoughts but now i have to look forward and learn from this experience in order to get on.

At this moment I want to apologize to all of my Sponsors and all others they give me this awesome support.
It was not ok what I did on this super organized Swiss Champ. Sorry for this.
Nevertheless, there are some pictures......

Samstag, 10. September 2011


Hi there

How is life??? ,

My life is great I am here in Zermatt and the weather is awesome and also the Park.
Me and friends enjoy a super nice time here.
Today we had great weather and my friends pushed me extremly it was a absoult awesome day.

Tonight we will party in Zermatt and that will be really crazy!!! (Hahaa)

Next week I will practice also really hard for the Swiss Champs. I am super excited!!!