Hi there guys I am back on blog again. Last week I was shreding The Half Pipe in Laax the pipe looks super good. On Thursday evenig I went to the crip of my Homie to Lenzerheid. We had a absolutly chilling night drink some beer and play billiard Thanks to my homies Ivo and Raffi.
On Friday was really foggy but we had a lot of fun. The Powder was so nice and we found some litel hips
to do some back side Airs. Was a fun Day.
On Saturday I went with my girl to Hoch ybrig to Compet on The Nike 6.0 Stair Battle Stop it was a super nice down rail and I had a ton of fun. Sadly I could't qualify me for the top 10.
Montag, 20. Dezember 2010
Samstag, 11. Dezember 2010
Junior Open Laax
Hi there
Today I had a really nice day I got 9th place in my Heat I just missed the Semi Final because of 1.1 points(Shit happens). No I am happy it was a fun day and good experience for all of the future competitions.
It was really windy but the sun was shinig and that makes a good feel. I had a tun of fun and a very good day!
Check the pictures.....
Windy times
Today I had a really nice day I got 9th place in my Heat I just missed the Semi Final because of 1.1 points(Shit happens). No I am happy it was a fun day and good experience for all of the future competitions.
It was really windy but the sun was shinig and that makes a good feel. I had a tun of fun and a very good day!
Check the pictures.....
Windy times
Freitag, 3. Dezember 2010
Fun shred in Laax!
Yesterday I had a freaky awesome day. Me and my buddy Ivo got really early up to laax,
we saw the weather is looking fucked up but we was so motivated, so we decided to go shred and we have no regrets about. I had a really awesome day in the powder of laax and on the slopes, The weather was bad but our creativity was to good we had a tun of fun!!!
Today I have to wax my Board, do some school and go to gym.
we saw the weather is looking fucked up but we was so motivated, so we decided to go shred and we have no regrets about. I had a really awesome day in the powder of laax and on the slopes, The weather was bad but our creativity was to good we had a tun of fun!!!
Today I have to wax my Board, do some school and go to gym.
Dienstag, 30. November 2010
Today was so nice.
This morning I got up early and took the train to Chur and from Chur to Laax the bus I was going up to Laax to shred the good Powder. When I went to the chair lift, I met Nicolas Mueller, he asked me if I want to shred with him and his friends? I of course said yes. Because it is much more fun to shred with good peoples then alone so we had a lot of fun it was nice weather, good snow and a lot of nice peoples. It was a really nice day.
Check out some pictures from today.
Check out some pictures from today.
Freitag, 26. November 2010
Fresh Snow!!!
Today has snowed like hell I am so happy and motivated to move as quickly to go shred and enjoy the Fresh Powder.
Today it snowed 7 cm Snow in front of my place. NICE!!!
Check this out.
Today it snowed 7 cm Snow in front of my place. NICE!!!
Check this out.
Dienstag, 23. November 2010
Freitag, 12. November 2010
Spend some nice time back home
Hi there
In the past week I was back home and did some Homework and went to the Fitnes studio every day. On wednesday I was in Davos for the Power test it was pretty heavy my muscels sore pretty much.
Yester day I had a easy day I chiled with my Homeboy and in the evening i went to the taiwado training in Wedenswill.
Today I will be in School and afternoon on 3 PM I wanna go to the Fitnesstudio and give all of my last energy.
It is a really nice week back home.
See ya and stay cool
In the past week I was back home and did some Homework and went to the Fitnes studio every day. On wednesday I was in Davos for the Power test it was pretty heavy my muscels sore pretty much.
Yester day I had a easy day I chiled with my Homeboy and in the evening i went to the taiwado training in Wedenswill.
Today I will be in School and afternoon on 3 PM I wanna go to the Fitnesstudio and give all of my last energy.
It is a really nice week back home.
See ya and stay cool
Mittwoch, 27. Oktober 2010
Saas fee GOOD times
Hi there this week I am up in Saas fee for the europ cup it is my first time to compet in a Europ Cup and I was nervus. I bailed in two runs of two. Yeah Shit happens, it was the first competition in this season and my first europ cup. It sucks to lose but important is to stand up and look forward to get well in the next competition.
So but I wasn't this long sad, because I am in one of the best Hotels in Saas fee good food, wellnes and a awesome bed. Maybe the best Hotel I was on a Snowboard trip. ( I LIKE)
I am for two more days here in Saas fee and I will do Big air . So looking forward to really funny days.
Hope to get some high energy for tomorrow. (In this pretty damn nice wirlpools) XD
So but I wasn't this long sad, because I am in one of the best Hotels in Saas fee good food, wellnes and a awesome bed. Maybe the best Hotel I was on a Snowboard trip. ( I LIKE)
I am for two more days here in Saas fee and I will do Big air . So looking forward to really funny days.
Hope to get some high energy for tomorrow. (In this pretty damn nice wirlpools) XD
Mittwoch, 20. Oktober 2010
Hi there
Last week I was up in Zermatt with the BSV Davos had a lot of fun
on the mountain and down in town, after Snowboarding we played Beachball and had condition training.
Still fun every time from 7 Am to 10 Pm it was pretty awesome with those guys.
I learnd much and do nice runs with my buddys.
Check it out in this little movie.
Last week I was up in Zermatt with the BSV Davos had a lot of fun
on the mountain and down in town, after Snowboarding we played Beachball and had condition training.
Still fun every time from 7 Am to 10 Pm it was pretty awesome with those guys.
I learnd much and do nice runs with my buddys.
Check it out in this little movie.
Freitag, 17. September 2010
Hi There
Last Weekend I was in Zermatt for the Swiss Champions . I had a really nice week In Zermatt.
But we couldn't this much on the snow because the gondula station was closed for 3 days. Anyway we had a super fun week. We had Gym and beachball all days and we all riders had just fun with chilling out.
But On Friday was Half Pipe for the Elite Man I did not bad I came on the 16th place by the best Riders in whole Switzerland. My run wasn't this much hazard. But still clean.
On Saturday was Big Air and I had tough luck! I fall in all of my Jumps. I did two times the same jump a
Fs 720.
I am still positive for the season in front of me.
Last Weekend I was in Zermatt for the Swiss Champions . I had a really nice week In Zermatt.
But we couldn't this much on the snow because the gondula station was closed for 3 days. Anyway we had a super fun week. We had Gym and beachball all days and we all riders had just fun with chilling out.
But On Friday was Half Pipe for the Elite Man I did not bad I came on the 16th place by the best Riders in whole Switzerland. My run wasn't this much hazard. But still clean.
On Saturday was Big Air and I had tough luck! I fall in all of my Jumps. I did two times the same jump a
Fs 720.
I am still positive for the season in front of me.
Alloaa. peace out
Sonntag, 5. September 2010
Awesome Weekend in Zermatt
Hi There
This weekend I was up in Zermatt for Swiss Champions practice it was insane.
I was never in my life this good like this weekend. High airs, super rotations and super style. Me and my dad was so happy. We had a super good time
up in Zermatt. Just today I had a bail by a try for a fs 900 tail. I cut the copping and did a backflip into the pipe. ( Hurts my back and especially my hips). Now I am back home and Hope to be ready for the Swiss champions on Friday-Saturday and Sunnday. Tomorrow I will go to a Doktor to make a check.
Lets see. I know I am ready next weekend.
Donnerstag, 2. September 2010
Hi there
Today I had a little Skate session, two hours. It was insane we had the whole Skatepark for us.
maybe because all kids are in school.
It was a nice bowl session. I love to Skate.
Today I had a little Skate session, two hours. It was insane we had the whole Skatepark for us.
maybe because all kids are in school.
It was a nice bowl session. I love to Skate.
lets go SHRED in Zermatt.
Hi there
I just pack my last things and make me raedy to leave. Today I leave for Zermatt.
I am pretty damn excited to stay for two weeks in Zermatt. I heard the conditions are
really good. And the park has a new shape. (Nice to hear) Cause that sucha good news makes me fly high.
No just kidding. I am just pretty excitec.
Hope it will be awesome two weeks in Wallis (Zermatt).
I just pack my last things and make me raedy to leave. Today I leave for Zermatt.
I am pretty damn excited to stay for two weeks in Zermatt. I heard the conditions are
really good. And the park has a new shape. (Nice to hear) Cause that sucha good news makes me fly high.
No just kidding. I am just pretty excitec.
Hope it will be awesome two weeks in Wallis (Zermatt).
Montag, 9. August 2010
Hi Friends
How do you do?
I was the last week in Zermatt to shred the glacier. It was pretty nice because I was on the Snowboard and you know I love it to be on a Snowboard. The conditions wasn't the best but just to be on the Glacier was pretty cool. JUST CHECK OUT THE BEST PICTURES. ;)
How do you do?
I was the last week in Zermatt to shred the glacier. It was pretty nice because I was on the Snowboard and you know I love it to be on a Snowboard. The conditions wasn't the best but just to be on the Glacier was pretty cool. JUST CHECK OUT THE BEST PICTURES. ;)
Sonntag, 1. August 2010
Montag, 5. Juli 2010
Hi guys
In the next 3 weeks I am a lot on the way.
Next friday I am on the way to the openair Frauenfeld. After this absolute awesome weekend, I visit on monday my sponser RohnerSocks. That will be really cool, I am excited!
And on Wendsday I fly to Bilbao for two week surfing. Yeah dog! ☮ Only enjoying the life and just forgeting all around me and feel the big waves and the board under my feet.
After that, i have some great ideas to realize (riding dunes and maybe DrySlopes) and also go on to the real snow up on glaciers for practice. (STOKED)
Have fun an have a nice time.
your friend Toby
In the next 3 weeks I am a lot on the way.
Next friday I am on the way to the openair Frauenfeld. After this absolute awesome weekend, I visit on monday my sponser RohnerSocks. That will be really cool, I am excited!
And on Wendsday I fly to Bilbao for two week surfing. Yeah dog! ☮ Only enjoying the life and just forgeting all around me and feel the big waves and the board under my feet.
After that, i have some great ideas to realize (riding dunes and maybe DrySlopes) and also go on to the real snow up on glaciers for practice. (STOKED)
Have fun an have a nice time.
your friend Toby
Donnerstag, 1. Juli 2010
Back from Norway.
Hi guys
I am back from norway. It was a unforgettable week. I have a lot of fun and saw wunderfull regions in the west of norway. The first day I was in Bergen it is my favourit city in norway it is really nice ( food, city, peoples and shopping) Bergen is great. But my trip to norway has other reasons, I was in norway to travell to folgefonna to filming and shreding. So I was on the 2th day in fonna to shred a little. I met a lot of nice guys from Germany Alex Tank, Michael Miethig and Co. It was really funny and a awesome time the whole week. I hope see all guys again.
aight wish you all the best tobi
Samstag, 12. Juni 2010
Night shooting Gotthard.
me and my mum and dad was on the gotthard yesterday and have a lot of fun.
it was my first night shooting iI was so excidet to be on the mountain on 9:00 pm.
we had a cannon cover as a box for some awesome nosepresses and a big watterdam for a wallride.
it rock's
check out the pictures.
Freitag, 4. Juni 2010
Today was awesome!
Me and my dad was today on the Gotthard for a fun day.
We had a lot of fun and make some nice pictures. It was wunderful weather and
pretty warm! it was maybe the best summer day on the mountain this year. check out the best pictures for you...
Dienstag, 1. Juni 2010
Excited for 19th june. I'LL FLY TO NORWAY!!!
On the 19th june I'll fly to norway for a week filming in a absolut fun park in folgefonna.
I am absolut excited and motivated for a week with a lot fo fun and super sunset shots etc.
It will be awesome. My first filming trip. http://folgefonnacamp.blogspot.com/
I want to thank my sponsors for the sponsering with this movie and just have fun in a cool film producing time.
cheers Toby
I am absolut excited and motivated for a week with a lot fo fun and super sunset shots etc.
It will be awesome. My first filming trip. http://folgefonnacamp.blogspot.com/
I want to thank my sponsors for the sponsering with this movie and just have fun in a cool film producing time.
cheers Toby
Dienstag, 25. Mai 2010
Nice two days on the Klausenpass
Hi this weekend I was on the Klausenpass with my family
and my Girlfriend we done nice shoots and have a lot of fun.
Was a nice weekend with supper sun and snow. Thanks to my family and my Girlfriend for this awesome weekend on the mountain.
hopefully you like the pictures!
and my Girlfriend we done nice shoots and have a lot of fun.
Was a nice weekend with supper sun and snow. Thanks to my family and my Girlfriend for this awesome weekend on the mountain.
hopefully you like the pictures!
Mittwoch, 12. Mai 2010
Sorry that I didnt wrote...
Sorry that never have written in the last four weeks.
I was overwhelmed with my new daily schedule because I'm now working four days in the week and also do it every night school for me was all a little bit crazy now, after the great time in America. It's all very different I train not on the snow but at the moment I am working in a factory called etertube. That I earn money for the summer and next season trips.....
I have school in the Internet High school named Kaplan High school it makes possible that I can work at the day and in the evening do school.
now I try to write minimal one post in the week.
I wish you all the best.
I was overwhelmed with my new daily schedule because I'm now working four days in the week and also do it every night school for me was all a little bit crazy now, after the great time in America. It's all very different I train not on the snow but at the moment I am working in a factory called etertube. That I earn money for the summer and next season trips.....
I have school in the Internet High school named Kaplan High school it makes possible that I can work at the day and in the evening do school.
now I try to write minimal one post in the week.
I wish you all the best.
Mittwoch, 7. April 2010
Check this Blogs out.
Hy Guys here some nice Blogs from friends.
Cheers Tobi
Cheers Tobi
Last run last hit.
Hy Guys Next Saturday is a nice competition in the Flumserberg.
Check it out. http://www.flumserberg.ch/
maybe we see us on the mountain.
viel vergnägiii.
Check it out. http://www.flumserberg.ch/
maybe we see us on the mountain.
viel vergnägiii.
Dienstag, 6. April 2010
Back in Switzerland
Hi Guys
Back home after a awesome trip in america with awesome peoples and a tun of fun. It was Great I think was the best trip and the best time in my life and hopefuly i can go back and have some fun with this great peoples.
but I am pretty stoked that I'm back in Switzerland by family and my friends and on the swiss mountains.
Now I am at home and do some homework and relaxe a litle bit before I go to laax to the spring sessions. laax.com
Thanks to all reader.
have fun and enjoy living........
Back home after a awesome trip in america with awesome peoples and a tun of fun. It was Great I think was the best trip and the best time in my life and hopefuly i can go back and have some fun with this great peoples.
but I am pretty stoked that I'm back in Switzerland by family and my friends and on the swiss mountains.
Now I am at home and do some homework and relaxe a litle bit before I go to laax to the spring sessions. laax.com
Thanks to all reader.
have fun and enjoy living........
Freitag, 2. April 2010
Mittwoch, 31. März 2010
Fun on Mt. Hood
i'm the one with red pants and white jacket.
have fun, soon i'm back in Switzerland, and i'm with one eye sad, but with the other one also very happy.
see you soon
Freitag, 26. März 2010
Windells Academy snowboarder on ski.
Awesome I am the dude with the Red pants and the blue Jacket!
It was a supper funny day!
Dienstag, 16. März 2010
No start at Slopestyle.
Hey Guys
I cant start at the Meadows in slopestyle because today I fall pretty hard in the Pipe training on my head. After the fall I had to do a stop. Later I did only some laps on the Slopes. I would end my day with no other crash but a girl drove in me pretty fast. I hurt really hard. I was in the clinic and was testing my rips and my head, because of frakturs or cocussion. The solution was, i have now a concussion.
So i know im out for tomorrow at the slopestyle. I am pretty sad and i wish i can start this day again.
I hope I feel better at wednesday for Half Pipe! But in the moment it looks bad! My back, my rips and my head hurts realy much.
Sorry for the bad news.
I cant start at the Meadows in slopestyle because today I fall pretty hard in the Pipe training on my head. After the fall I had to do a stop. Later I did only some laps on the Slopes. I would end my day with no other crash but a girl drove in me pretty fast. I hurt really hard. I was in the clinic and was testing my rips and my head, because of frakturs or cocussion. The solution was, i have now a concussion.
So i know im out for tomorrow at the slopestyle. I am pretty sad and i wish i can start this day again.
I hope I feel better at wednesday for Half Pipe! But in the moment it looks bad! My back, my rips and my head hurts realy much.
Sorry for the bad news.
Greez Tobi
Donnerstag, 4. März 2010
Awesome powder day in Boreal!
Hi Guys
Here in California is all the Snow we miss in Mt.Hood.
We have today a awesome day on the mountain it was great in Boreal. Super Powder and a lot of fun.
Sorry i have no action picture only some pictiures from the trip and from today in the super freshly powder.
I love it. All what I need is my snowboard stuff and a lot of snow and the day is in a short time over.
Here in California is all the Snow we miss in Mt.Hood.
We have today a awesome day on the mountain it was great in Boreal. Super Powder and a lot of fun.
Sorry i have no action picture only some pictiures from the trip and from today in the super freshly powder.
I love it. All what I need is my snowboard stuff and a lot of snow and the day is in a short time over.
Dienstag, 2. März 2010
Start a new Trip, california love!

Peace out!
Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2010
Night shooting
Hallo Zämmä
Last two weeks was crazy we have not mutch snow and the weather was every time bad to mutch wind or to much ice. But in our home base we have every time a lot of fun last week we have a little night shooting was pretty fun!
We try every day to be motivatet for the trainings and we are motivated every day and thats why we have so much fun. we have all day Halltraining and Snow training and we have school and the combination is really nice but really hard but we have so much fun! Next week we go on our next trip and our next trip go to California Boreal. I am so excidet.
I am pretty happy here in Amerika!
Your Tobi
Last two weeks was crazy we have not mutch snow and the weather was every time bad to mutch wind or to much ice. But in our home base we have every time a lot of fun last week we have a little night shooting was pretty fun!
We try every day to be motivatet for the trainings and we are motivated every day and thats why we have so much fun. we have all day Halltraining and Snow training and we have school and the combination is really nice but really hard but we have so much fun! Next week we go on our next trip and our next trip go to California Boreal. I am so excidet.
I am pretty happy here in Amerika!
Your Tobi
Samstag, 20. Februar 2010
Wonderful Day!!
After a wonderful day there are not comfortable playing with their friends as a bit of video games and sit for a small fire with a hot CHOCOLATE.
Today we had so much fun on the mountain and a super relaxed evening.
How much fun we have you will see in my new video.
cheers Tobias
Today we had so much fun on the mountain and a super relaxed evening.
How much fun we have you will see in my new video.
coming soon.
cheers Tobias
Donnerstag, 18. Februar 2010
Back from Colorado Trip!
Hi guys
I am now back in Windells from m big colorado Trip Copper,Aspen and now back.
Was so nice in Colorado but I'm really happy that we back in Windells than i have now
my bad for me alone. (lacht)
See ya guys!
I am now back in Windells from m big colorado Trip Copper,Aspen and now back.
Was so nice in Colorado but I'm really happy that we back in Windells than i have now
my bad for me alone. (lacht)
See ya guys!
Sonntag, 7. Februar 2010
Travel Pictiurs
Was a nice Road Trip from Oregon to Colorado. You see here 3 of my pictiurs from the Road Trip.
I'm so stoked about this land.
Greating Tobias
Copper out.
Hey Guys
You know I`m at copper Mt. i was so excited for this competition than here start the best American guys in my age group 16-19.
But i can't start my coach say it's better when you don't start. WHY ? My Knee hurts much and my nose too. Im not happy i will start in copper. But my knee say YOU CAN START IN ASPEN NEXT WEEK. and i think thats a good idee.
Okey but this week was not only a sad week i have good trainings and so much fun with hte guys from the USASA Team. And i saw so much from america on the trip from Mt.hood (oregon) to Copper (Collorado).
Was a good week.
greating your Tobias
You know I`m at copper Mt. i was so excited for this competition than here start the best American guys in my age group 16-19.
But i can't start my coach say it's better when you don't start. WHY ? My Knee hurts much and my nose too. Im not happy i will start in copper. But my knee say YOU CAN START IN ASPEN NEXT WEEK. and i think thats a good idee.
Okey but this week was not only a sad week i have good trainings and so much fun with hte guys from the USASA Team. And i saw so much from america on the trip from Mt.hood (oregon) to Copper (Collorado).
Was a good week.
greating your Tobias
Montag, 1. Februar 2010
Big trip to Colorado......
Today we start our long journey. It's so crazy 2000km one way, means two days travelling. We travel by car through 4 states (Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Wyoming) to Frisco, Colorado. We do a week in Copper, Colorado to train and rocking at the "USSA Revolution Tour". Then it goes down for a week to Aspen. There we will also stay a week and train and participate at the "Aspen Snowmass Open".
Have a good time, because i will have a great one!!

Have a good time, because i will have a great one!!
twice second Place in Halfpipe and a broken nose.....
Hi all,
Despite breaking nose I have become again twice second in the halfpipe of Meadows, Oregon.
I wanted to make a Cork, but unfortunately with too much momentum for Cork and not enough for a double Cork. So I made it almost like Shawn White at the X-Games, I fellt on my face.
But I'm still well and look forward to the trip to Copper, Colorado to rock again.
Have fun and i wish you all the best from America
Despite breaking nose I have become again twice second in the halfpipe of Meadows, Oregon.
I wanted to make a Cork, but unfortunately with too much momentum for Cork and not enough for a double Cork. So I made it almost like Shawn White at the X-Games, I fellt on my face.
But I'm still well and look forward to the trip to Copper, Colorado to rock again.
Have fun and i wish you all the best from America
Samstag, 30. Januar 2010
My Day here in America
hi guys
I think I'll show you an easy time here. you can see on this picture that it is very nice weather. Below on the list you can see a usual day how my days looks here!
- Wake up 6.30 AM
- Morning Work out 6.45-7.30 AM
- Breakfast 7.30-8.00 AM
- School 8.10-12.00 AM
- Go up to the Mountain 12.10-16.00
- Diner 18.00 PM
- Evening Training 19.00- 20.00 PM
- Sleeping Time 10.15 PM
there is always something going on as you see. I think that's one of the best life experiences ever!
Greatings, Tobias
Mittwoch, 27. Januar 2010
My first Film
I want that you see what I've learned here in my first week. Than it was a good week for me. I've learned new tricks, cork 720 and also the crippler, in the Half Pipe. What that is and how it looks can you see in my short movie.
kind regards from USA
Tobias Bertschinger
I want that you see what I've learned here in my first week. Than it was a good week for me. I've learned new tricks, cork 720 and also the crippler, in the Half Pipe. What that is and how it looks can you see in my short movie.
kind regards from USA
Tobias Bertschinger
Montag, 25. Januar 2010
Mt. Hood Half Pipe Event
Hi this weekend was a good weekend for me!
I was two times on the podium!
Thats the Top 4 of the Event!
I was two times on the podium!
Thats the Top 4 of the Event!
Rank | Name | Region | Gender | Points | ||||
1 | Srofe, Kenny | Mt. Hood | M | 2080 | ||||
2 | Bertschinger, Tobias | Mt. Hood | M | 1860 | ||||
3 | Hodges, Daniel | Mt. Hood | M | 1640 | ||||
4 | Rodakowski, Lucas | Mt. Hood | M | 1520 |
Dienstag, 19. Januar 2010
Hi Guys i'm in Windells....
today is my second day at the Windells Academy. Its so crazy here and i like it very.
This Camp is amazing, we have so much things here. There is a privat Skatepark, lots of trampolins and lots more. But the best is, there are so big mountains.
Windells is in the near of Mt.Hood and Timberline. That are two "BIG" Ressorts, with sick Parks!
I think Windells is the funniest place on Earth!

Cheers Tobias
today is my second day at the Windells Academy. Its so crazy here and i like it very.
This Camp is amazing, we have so much things here. There is a privat Skatepark, lots of trampolins and lots more. But the best is, there are so big mountains.
Windells is in the near of Mt.Hood and Timberline. That are two "BIG" Ressorts, with sick Parks!
I think Windells is the funniest place on Earth!
Cheers Tobias
Montag, 18. Januar 2010
I'm gone now....
Today early morning (5am), I started my little adventure, "America".
It goes via Amsterdam to Portland, Oregon, where I will be very much snowboarding.
I'm still torn! On the one hand an awful lot of tension and joy, but I also leave many loved people back. But it's not for ever! I look forward to my time in America and i'm happy to share with you my time in America in this blog.
It goes via Amsterdam to Portland, Oregon, where I will be very much snowboarding.
I'm still torn! On the one hand an awful lot of tension and joy, but I also leave many loved people back. But it's not for ever! I look forward to my time in America and i'm happy to share with you my time in America in this blog.
Dienstag, 12. Januar 2010
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